Remove Common Carpet Stains

Posted on: October 7, 2015 by in carpet cleaning, pet odour and stain treatment
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Removing the Most Common Carpet Stains

Daily living can be messy at the best of times so if we have carpets and area rugs, we can be sure that we will have carpet stains that will sometimes need our attention. As carpet cleaning pros, we do recommend regular professional carpet cleaning to keep carpets looking like new and keeping things fresh. Sometimes, in between those regular carpet cleanings, stain treatment is called for. Knowing what to do for each different type of stain can be helpful for keeping the integrity of the carpet or area rug.

Below is a compiled list of the most commonly experienced stains, and the best way to treat them before needing to call in the pros. Hopefully you will find some help here. See you at your next annual carpet cleaning appointment.

Always best to IMMEDIATELY treat a stain or spill! Blot the area thoroughly with an absorbent white cloth to remove as much liquid as possible. If there is a sold or any food, take the dull edge of a spoon or knife and scrape off as much as possible. Before applying your cleaning product to the stain, test it on a small part of the carpet edge that is hidden from view to see how it reacts with the textile. Let it dry and brush out the carpet pile and see ho w it looks. If there is no damage to the fibres or colours then continue onto treating the carpet stain. spilled wine carpet stain removal

Stain Removal Solutions To Try:

  1. Ammonia solution – Combine 1 T. household ammonia with a half cup of filtered water.
  2. Bleach mixture – Use hydrogen peroxide or something like sodium perborate, which is what is used in Clorox II. DO NOT use chlorine bleach!
  3. Detergent solution – Combine 1 tsp. of a colourless mild dish washing liquid in 1 cup of lukewarm water.
  4. Dry-cleaning solvent – Be very careful to use in small amounts because these “dry spotting” agents can cause damage to the backings of carpets. Avoid using anything that has a gasoline or lighter fluid element.
  5. Enzyme detergent. If you do any shopping for laundry products, you’ve seen these on the grocery aisles. Mix a solution by following the instructions on the container. It’s important to NOT SOAK your carpet with this. Let the enzyme solution stay on the stain only as long as recommended on the label. Then, blot it and remove it.
  6. It’s called POG – and it’s for Paint, Oil, and Grease. You can find solutions like this in your local hardware store.
  7. Vinegar solution. Be sure to always keep white distilled vinegar on hand; it’s so valuable in cleaning and deodorizing. Combine 1/3 C. of vinegar with 2/3 C water

Now, let’s talk about specific kinds of stains and the best remedy (see list above for details).

Every solution should be at a cool temperature – never hot and blot after each application

  • Blood

Detergent, ammonia, enzyme – try in that order. Then, be sure to finish by rinsing thoroughly and blot until dry. If the stain is stubborn, you could try a rust remover or oxalic acid solution. You can also bleach with 3-5 percent hydrogen peroxide.

  • Butter or Margarine

First, try the dry cleaning solvent method…blot completely.   Then, use the detergent with cool water, and blot. Next, try the white vinegar routine. Always rinse and blot.

  • Ketchup and Tomato Sauces

First, use the cool detergent solution…rinse, blot. Then try the ammonia solution, and lastly, the enzyme combination. If the stain persists, try the hydrogen peroxide, same as in removing blood (see above).

If after all this, the stain refuses to come out, please call the professionals – that would be US!

You can reach Kanata Carpet Cleaning Pros at 613-209-3884

Look after your investments and take care of your carpets so you have them for many years to come.